GMS Student Assistance Program
The Garfield Middle School has established a comprehensive Student Assistance Program (SAP) utilizing a Multi-Tiered System for building support for all students. In our SAP we utilize the following: Response to Intervention (RTI), Positive Behavior Supports in Schools (PBSIS), Social Emotional Learning and Substance Abuse Awareness programs.
Being a student can sometimes be difficult. Balancing the demands of school, family, and relationships can be overwhelming for a student of any age. Students impacted by these stressors are at greater risk for socio-emotional and behavioral health concerns as well as lower academic achievement. These negative stressors may be considered barriers to educational success. Schools need multiple tools in their system toolboxes to address staff and student needs in addressing barriers to academic success and healthy development. No one program or system is designed to meet all needs. While one system can address behavior management and another address skill deficits, these systems are not designed to meet all student needs or address all the issues that impact students in the learning process.
What is Student Assistance?
The program includes many prevention services as well as confidential counseling services for students. The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is designed to collaborate with teachers/parents in an effort to determine effective strategies to best support their child.